Thursday, October 9, 2008

Our funny Hannah

Hannah brought a paper home from school a few days ago and I had to share it here because I thought it was so funny! It's called "The Me Puzzle" and hopefully it will help you get to know a little bit more about Hannah:

What is your favorite activity to do alone? Read

What career would you like to have in the future? Police

What is your favorite school subject? Art

What person do you most admire? Jesus Christ

What is your special talent? Leaping (???)

What is your favorite activity to do with others? A park

Describe your family. Mess-making, polite, smart, nice (I hate to admit it, but I'm sure that first response has something to do with me...)

What words best describe you and your personality? Artist, flexabal

What is your most treasured possession? My pink jule (I think she means "jewel")


Emily said...

hi-larious! i never knew she was flexile, OR an artist.

Emily said...

flexible i mean

Melanie said...

I love it! It's so fun to see what kids really think. :) What a sweet girl.

Love the "leaping!" That's too funny.