Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Hannah came home from a friend's house a few days ago with an Icee. I haven't had one for years but it looked SO good. So I took a little sip and it was. So, so good! It was Jolly Rancher Watermelon flavor and I can't get enough. They sell green apple too and I keep telling myself I'll try it but I keep going back to the watermelon. Yum!
By the way, I had my ultrasound today and we are having another boy. Charlie is so thrilled to be getting a brother.


Melanie said...

I love it! It's so fun to hear about other peoples food things when they're pregnant! :)

Congrats on the boy! I'm so glad for Charlie!

Shelah said...

I haven't had an ICEE in years, but now I want one!

Congrats on the new baby boy!

lyn said...

Congrats! You're kind of sticking your pregnancy comments as afterthoughts on your posts!

ICEE's are yummy! We used to get them all the time and eat them while grocery shopping.

barterboutique said...

you little sneak! congrats on the little guy! ICEE's remind me of Target--both of which I love!

Holly or James said...

yes, i love boys! congrats.

Nikki said...

Congratulations on another boy! It's so funny you bring up ICEE's. Kate is obsessed with shaved ice (she calls them sno cones)--she wants one every day. Today I got her a blue raspberry one. I had a taste and it took me back to a temple trip in AZ where I think we ate blue raspberry ICEE's all day at some water park. Do you remember this? I could be wrong--you're memory is better than mine.

Shannon said...

Hi Sara,

It's Shannon Ellen's sister-in-law. Congrats oh having another boy. How fun! I wonder what Ellen will have.

Hope you don't mind if I stalk once in awhile! It's fun to see what you're up to.

Emily said...

Yum. Go get me one.