Thursday, April 17, 2008

For any problems... click here

If any of you aren't busy enough with the demands of motherhood, my friend Lori introduced me to a new website that you will hopefully find helpful (or at least funny).

  • Need ideas on how to start preparing your 8th grader to get into BYU? Look here. If your child should eventually be accepted, find a list of what to send to school here.

  • Want ideas on how to prepare your kids to serve missions? Here you go.

  • Searching for ideas for freezer meals? Grocery lists? Piano practicing charts? Weekly chore charts? Calendar & filing systems? This page fills all your needs and MORE!

  • A chart for Christmas planning (starting in September) can be found here.

A lot of this information actually looks very helpful and I could use ideas in SO many of these areas. But for some reason, it also sparks a little anxiety in me. Hope y'all find something of use!


Emily said...

awesome! cool website!

Peg said...

jbaqmzpmShe has a vacation check list that is awesome. Thanks for the link!