Thursday, April 3, 2008

Three Cups of Tea

So last night my book club met and we talked about this book and it was a really fun discussion for me. For anyone who's interested, the book is about a guy named Greg Mortenson who attempted to climb K2 in Northern Pakistan in 1993 (he made it within 600 meters but never to the summit). On his way down, he got lost and stumbled into a poor village where the locals nursed him back to health. Before he left he saw children without a school or teachers and promised to come back with resources to help those kids. Long story short, he has now built 55+ schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan where over 55,000 children are being educated. It's really an amazing and inspiring story of what one person can do to change the world.

I think my favorite part of book club is that I end up reading books that I might never have picked up (this being one example) and talking about it with other women who share my basic values, but with totally different backgrounds, cultures, ideas and opinions.


Emily said...

neat! maybe i'll check it out. i never go to bookclubs because i'm worried i'll sound too stupid. i'll give my opinion and they'll go "yeah, that's not what the book was about at all." sounds neat though.

Dave L. said...

Sara. I just discovered tonight that you have your own blog. I thought you always just posted on the family blog. I had never even noticed that your name was on the blog list. Anyway it was a fun discovery for me. You do have a great husband. I knew it when we first met CJ. Remember?

ellen said...

yeah, cause he's just like you dad. That book does seem interesting. I would never read that kind of thing either (still probably won't) but it's always good to venture out into new genres.