Monday, September 15, 2008

confession #3

i am a shopaholic.

my freshman year at byu i got a credit card in my name. oh the freedom! i was so excited. i went to the limited and spent $200 on clothes the day after it came in the mail. it was the most money i had ever spent in my life. i still remember what i got: a black wool knee-length jumper with tiny red plaid, a white button-up shirt to go under it, a red cardigan to go over it, some tights, and a pair of navy blue dress pants.

it took me four months to pay it off.

and in the meantime, i was still using the card.

i had to go home for the next two summers to work and pay it off.

every time i had a bad day, or did poorly on a test, or wasn't asked out when all my friends were, i went shopping. i was well dressed, but it was getting a little out of control. it wasn't until i got married that i realized what a moron i was. we paid off my credit card (poor dave) and i've kept it (mostly) under control ever since. shopping still cheers me up, but now i know the horrible feeling that comes with a credit card bill too big to pay off, and i'll never ever do it again. we buy everything on one card and pay it off completely each month. i won't ever be in consumer debt again.

still, sometimes a credit card and a mall are all it takes to cheer me up.

what cheers you up?


lynette said...

i love to go shopping too, but only if I HAVE money otherwise it totally bums me out.

But, I'd say I use food for comfort most often. I try to be conscious of that and limit the sweets I bring in the house because of it.

Holly or James said...
