Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ike Strikes (or comes to our rescue?)

As of tonight, our area is officially under a "hurricane watch" and we got a (recorded) message from the mayor inviting us to voluntarily evacuate. Tomorrow morning at 8 am, our county is under mandatory evacuation and Hannah's and Charlie's schools are both closed. CJ has to work tomorrow but if he can leave early we just might leave for Florida then. Might as well take advantage of these days off from school and get a head start at Disneyworld! Hope all is well and we still have a dry house when we get back...


Emily said...

Ugh. What will you do during the day tomorrow while CJ's at work?

mahina said...

like i said, you need to move to albuquerque....

Sara said...

I'm just finishing up some packing and putting a few things in different places where I'm hoping they'll be safe just in case anything happens. CJ thinks he'll leave work around noon.

Summer said...

I hope everything turns out okay. Dong fall off any cliffs or anything while you're escaping the hurricane. That would be too ironic for me to handle.